Our approach

“Earth Security’s capacity to bring complexity down to manageable levels of action is outstanding.”

Michael Schaefer,
Chairman of the Board, BMW Foundation

What we do

Earth Security helps shape global investment agendas and enables finance to flow into nature-positive companies, projects and solutions.


We create datasets that reflect and quantify the intrinsic, interconnected value of nature and the economy.


We provide practical and actionable insights to help investors develop a powerful business case for nature.


We catalyse new products and partnerships that implement these solutions and drive impact at unprecedented scale.

Our approach

Our focus areas

Our intelligence paves the way for action, shaping global investment agendas and enabling millions of dollars of funding to flow to sustainable solutions in agriculture, infrastructure and other vital sectors.

Financial Services

We collaborate with investment banks, lenders, insurers and reinsurers; driving innovation, with a focus on climate resilience, to develop investment products and portfolios that are aligned with planetary boundaries.


Resilient Infrastructure

We enable infrastructure projects to value the natural ecosystem services on which they depend; and increase the use of green infrastructure for resilience and sustainability.


Sustainable Commodities

We are working to enable the financing of sustainable and regenerative commodities at scale, overcoming systemic barriers to sustainable production.


the m40 fund

Developing a mangrove-positive investment fund

Exploring a model for mangrove investments at scale.

The M40 programme, supported by the UBS Optimus Foundation, is identifying ways of investing in mangrove-positive business models, building the investment partnerships needed to support them, and developing The Mangrove Fund to enable investment at global scale.

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